Panhellenic Council

Panhellenic Council is the umbrella organization that governs the five National Panhellenic Council organizations (Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, and Phi Mu). Panhellenic Council plans events and Formal Recruitment for all five chapters.

Panhellenic Council Code of Ethics:

We, the Panhellenic representatives of the University of Montevallo, hope to promote unity and understanding among the different chapters within our Greek community. We strive to uphold honesty and respect to the greatest of our ability and in all aspects of our mutual endeavors. It is our goal to lead by example, thereby holding ourselves accountable with the promise to maintain the highest degree of respectability within ourselves and our fellow sororities. Therefore, we shall make every effort to promote fairness and deem it an obligation of our responsibilities to sustain these lofty ideals within each facet of our duties.

Upon our honor, we, the members of the Panhellenic Council, in accordance with the University and our respective chapters, shall equally uphold ourselves to be women of integrity.

We swear to maintain this codeĀ until the completion of our offices.

Panhellenic Council Falconlink Page

Panhellenic Council Webpage