
September 12, 2019 | Student Spotlight

UM senior bringing art to all 

As Alabama celebrates its 200th birthday this year, one University of Montevallo student is working to make sure one of civilization’s oldest and most important institutions is accessible to everyone.   For art major Cheyanne Smith ’20, art is an essential component of what it means to be human.  “There is evidence in cave paintings that show we have been […]

September 12, 2019 | UM Happenings

Alumni Affairs, led by new director, fosters connection between grads and campus 

While working from her office on the first floor of Reynolds Hall to plan the details of a summer alumni social in Washington, D.C., new Alumni Affairs Director Tiffany Bunt’s journey at Montevallo had come full circle.  As a public relations student employee during her time as an undergrad at UM, her office was on the second […]

September 12, 2019 | UM Happenings

UM has many connections to state’s Bicentennial celebration 

For the past three years, the state of Alabama has been in celebration mode.   In 1817, Alabama became a United States territory, and then transitioned into the nation’s 22nd state two years later. In recognition of two centuries of statehood, Alabama’s Bicentennial Commission has been holding events, organizing programs and blanketing the state with opportunities […]

September 12, 2019 | Alumni Profile

Q&A with Julie Neussl Harrison

Alumni Profile: Julie Neussl Harrison ’00, M.Ed. ’02, Ed.S. ’08, M.Ed. ’12  Your home: Clanton, AL  Tell us about your family: I am extremely blessed. My family consists of my husband, Chad, of 18 years, two precious daughters (Ellie, 6 and Everlie, 2) and my parents. What is your profession? I am an elementary art teacher first and foremost, but my career has also […]

September 11, 2019 | Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Morgan Leonard

Growing up in Chilton County, UM junior Morgan Leonard’s teachers at Isabella High School had a major impact on shaping her into the woman she is today. Now, as an elementary education with collaborative teacher certification major at the University, Leonard is looking forward to doing the same for the next generation of Chilton County […]

September 11, 2019 | Press Releases

University of Montevallo to host ACT Prep Course

The University of Montevallo will be hosting a single-day ACT Prep Course for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The purpose of this course is to equip students with test-taking strategies to enable them to be better prepared for the ACT. “During this course, we provide students the […]

September 10, 2019 | Press Releases

University of Montevallo hosts unique census photo op

More than 400 University of Montevallo students, faculty and staff and members of the Montevallo community gathered at the UM Track and Lacrosse Field on the morning of Sept. 9 to highlight the importance of the 2020 United States census count. During the event, which was a partnership between UM, Shelby County and the City […]

September 9, 2019 | Press Releases

UM breaks ground on new College of Business building

The University of Montevallo broke ground on a new 10,000-square-foot Michael E. Stephens College of Business building on Sept. 5, officially beginning a project to greatly enhance the college’s offerings. The new home for the College of Business will be a state-of-the-art and technology-rich facility. It will feature a large student commons and event space […]

September 5, 2019 | Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Kendall Criswell

When senior political science major Kendall Criswell visited campus with her family for the first time, she immediately knew she belonged at Montevallo. And it didn’t take long after setting foot on campus to convince Criswell’s father, who initially wasn’t sure what to expect from the small-university atmosphere, Montevallo was the right fit for his […]

August 27, 2019 | Press Releases

UM hosts Alabama Conference of Theatre fall summit

Dozens of theatre educators from across the state gathered at the University of Montevallo on Saturday, Aug. 24, as they sought out ways to make theatre and arts education more inclusive and diverse statewide. UM hosted the Alabama Conference of Theatre fall summit at Reynolds Hall throughout the day, and participants took part in several […]

August 2, 2019 | Press Releases

UM Concert Choir chosen to perform at regional conference

The University of Montevallo Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. Melinda Doyle, has been chosen to perform at the American Choral Directors Association Southern Region Conference in Mobile from March 11-14, 2020. More than 100 performing choirs from Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky submitted applications […]

July 26, 2019 | Press Releases

Olympic gold medalist visits UM

Cat Whitehill, a member of the gold-medal-winning 2004 U.S. women’s Olympic soccer team and veteran of two FIFA Women’s World Cups, encouraged a group of Olympic hopefuls to train hard to achieve their dreams during a July 19 visit to the University of Montevallo. Whitehill spoke to about 180 participants in the final session of […]

July 12, 2019 | Press Releases

Montevallo honored for on-campus and online offerings

Learn at the pace of life and complete undergraduate courses or earn a master’s degree online. The University of Montevallo has been named the top accredited higher education institution in the state for its mix of on-campus and online degree programs. recently released its list of the “Best online and on-campus colleges in Alabama,” […]

July 3, 2019 | Press Releases

Montevallo makes national Colleges of Distinction list for eighth-straight year

Montevallo makes national Colleges of Distinction list for eighth-straight year For the eighth consecutive year, the University of Montevallo has been named to the prestigious national Colleges of Distinction list, remaining one of only two public higher education institutions in the state to achieve the honor. In addition to again earning the overall Colleges of […]

June 29, 2019 | Press Releases

Montevallo student selected for Smithsonian internship

Montevallo student Katharine Murray selected for Smithsonian internship University of Montevallo student and Dothan, Alabama, native Katharine Murray is fulfilling one of her longtime goals this summer by interning at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., through August. One of just six students selected for the position, Murray’s Katzenberger Art History internship is with the […]

June 26, 2019 | Faculty Spotlight

University of Montevallo names Armstrong provost

University of Montevallo names Dr. Mary Beth Armstrong provost Dr. Mary Beth Armstrong has been named provost and vice president for academic affairs at the University of Montevallo. This marks the latest advancement in Armstrong’s long history of service to UM, where she has been working in many capacities since she was hired by the […]

June 19, 2019 | Press Releases

Montevallo grad student named Alabama Schweitzer Fellow

Montevallo grad student Jason Perry named Alabama Schweitzer Fellow University of Montevallo College of Education & Human Development counseling graduate student Jason Perry has been selected as a member of the 2019-2020 class of Alabama Schweitzer Fellows, and will spend the next year learning to effectively address social factors impacting health while also developing lifelong […]

May 22, 2019 | Press Releases

Outdoor Scholars Program receives funds to expand student opportunities

At the University of Montevallo President’s Outdoor Scholars end-of-year banquet on May 3, the Alabama Power Foundation and the Alabama Farmers Federation each donated $10,000 to the program. The money will be used to fund scholarships, environmental projects and experiential learning opportunities which are a core component of the President’s Outdoor Scholars Program. The Alabama Power Foundation’s […]

May 21, 2019 | Press Releases

Partnership provides valuable learning experiences to students and local bank

For more than a year, the University of Montevallo Stephens College of Business (SCOB) has partnered with Central State Bank (CSB) to provide marketing support. This partnership allowed the SCOB to broaden the practical educational opportunities for students, providing them access to real-world experiential learning opportunities. The collaboration began with Stephen Craft, dean of the […]

May 14, 2019 | Press Releases

University of Montevallo celebrates Spring Commencement 2019

See the full Spring Commencement photo gallery. The threat of inclement weather nearly relocated the Spring Commencement ceremony, held May 4, from Flowerhill to the Student Activity Center. Facility and Event Scheduling staff worked diligently to prepare both locations for the event. With slight alterations to the ceremony, the University pressed on with the event […]