23/24 TAC Representation Areas | 23/24 Members | Position Held |
Dean’s Council | Steve Peters | |
Faculty Senate | George Lytle | |
Faculty, CAS | Brendan Beal | Co-Chair, TAC |
Faculty, CFA | Marcus Lane | |
Faculty, COB | Shafqat Shad | Chair, Policies and Procedures Committee |
Faculty, COE | Cassie Raulston | |
Faculty, Library | Sheila Brandt | Chair, Operations Committee |
Staff Senate | Alyssa Luna Green | |
Staff, Academic Affairs | Amanda Fox | |
Staff, IRPA | Hilary Dutton | |
Staff, Advancement and External Affairs | Wesley Hallman | Co-Chair, TAC |
Staff, Athletics | Wyatt Hall | |
Staff, Business Affairs | Alicia Smith | |
Staff, Enrollment and Student Affairs | Josh Miller | |
Staff, IS&T | Kathy Adams | Chair, Projects and Planning Committee |
Staff, Physical Plant | Tim Nash | |
Student, Residential | Abbie Clark | |
Student, SGA rep | Jordan Dacus | |
y – ex officio, CIO, non-voting | Joe Walsh | |
y – ex officio, Assistant Director, Malone Center | Barbara Ann Lewis | Chair, Academic Support Committee |
y- ex officio, Director, AAC Director, Title IX Coordinator | Tomeiko Scott | |
At Large | Kira Thomas | Co-Chair, Digital Communications Committee |
At Large | Amiee Mellon | Co-Chair, Digital Communications Committee |